National Ballroom Academy

Crystal Falls Studio

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What to expect on your first visit

Be prepared to enter into a very supportive friendly environment. Although ballroom/latin shoes are always recommended, at the beginning, a clean low flat or 1-2″ heel for the lady and a dress shoe for the man are best. We also sell shoes which are very inexpensive. In the drop in group classes, we have people to help and at the parties, we encourage everyone to dance with everyone. We do not take interact at this time. We do accept cash/check and for Visa/MC/Amex please add 2.8%. Arrive at least 10-15 minutes early to class to get into the spirit. Eating a large meal before class can cause discomfort and is not recommended. No alcohol either. When you arrive, please leave your street shoes at the door. At The National Ballroom Academy, we’ve attempted to simplify things for you.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_single_image image=”22″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” css_animation=”none” el_class=”img5 imgreveal”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_single_image image=”13″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” css_animation=”none” el_class=”img1 imgreveal”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation=”none” el_class=”imgreveal”]

Private Lessons Cost

Your first private lesson is FREE. After that, we offer the private lessons for  a cost for of $75/class + HST for the first 25 classes whether you are coming in by yourself or with a partner. We offer them in packages of 5 at a time. ($423.75). This is a discount of up to 20%


Private lessons vs Group classes
This is has been a  debate for some time. I can only tell you I’ve never seen anyone come close to their dance potential by taking just group classes. These are questions I would ask myself: Why do I want to learn? Is it strictly for social interaction? What is my budget? How good a dancer do I want to be? At the beginning, a few private classes are just fine to get you moving around the floor if that’s what you are looking for. If you enjoy the fine tuning of your dancing, then a long term commitment is a must! If you want more bang for your buck, add in some group classes but don’t make it your only source of learning. So many times people have finally made that commitment to learn only to be frustrated by the format.

Social Style vs. International
Social style is the choice for people looking to get on the floor and dance without worry or stress. Generally, anyone starting to learn how to dance over the age of 20 should be learning this style. The ultimate goal is to enjoy one’ s experience and be able to flow in and out of a busy dance floor while looking graceful or sexy (or both). The interpretation of each dance is based on the individual’ s ability and level. There is no right or wrong. It’ s a liberal art form which allows the student to interpret the music from within and do what they can while still having fun. Once people have achieved this in their dancing confidence follows in everything they do. Dancing With the Stars is an example of social dance routines.

International Style describes the competitive side of dancing. This style has developed over the years giving competitors a select amount of movements with which to work with. Emphasis is based on technique and execution and not designed for a social setting. A strong International dancer normally starts at a much younger age ( although not exclusively) as it takes years to develop the look of professionalism required to make every move look natural. Blackpool is a great example of International style competition and is wonderful to watch.

Partner or No Partner
This is always a factor in learning how to dance. Some people wrongly believe you need a partner. In fact, learning with one can slow the learning curve down tremendously and can cause extreme aggravation. If taking private lessons, your teacher is your partner. In group classes, there is generally an even mix of men and women and we encourage people to switch partners. Having said all of this, it’s always nice to share this experience with a loved one or friend but if you are coming in alone, don’t think twice about it.

The National Ballroom Academy Difference and Benefits

We are known as one of Canada’s top facilities for teaching Ballroom Dancing to adults and children as we keep learning interesting and easy. We teach the latest and most popular steps in all the dances. In addition to having a pool of vigorously trained teachers, you will be learning in a warm, friendly environment. We have students traveling from all parts of the city to take lessons here. Once you start, you will know why. Feel the Difference! Here are a few of the reasons people join:

More Fun And Enjoyment Out Of Life
Increased Self Confidence
Meeting People And Making New Friends
Better Health And Physical Benefits
Improved Social Life
Attending And Enjoying More Parties
Acquiring More Grace And Poise
Business Reasons
Recreation Or Entertainment
Overcoming Shyness
A Sense Of Achievement Or Accomplishment
Ease And Assurance Socially
A Hobby Or Interest
A Means Of Expression
Admiration From Others
Performing Exhibitions/Competitions
Being Part Of A Community Based Organization


 Starter Program
It’s 5 classes for $375 + HST (either single or couple)

Bronze Program
This can take anywhere from 1 to 2 years depending on how good you want to be and how many private lessons you want to take.

Wedding Program
Congratulations!! Having made the commitment, now comes the hard part, The first dance. Normally we recommend 5 private lessons unless you want to look really really good then it’s 10 – 100. Your cost for the 5 is $375 + HST

Silver Program
Again, this can take anywhere from 1 to 2 years depending on how good you want to be and how many private lessons you want to take.

Gold Program
This may sound familiar but it can take anywhere from 1 to 2 years depending on how good you want to be and how many private lessons you want to take.
